Wednesday 15 April 2020

Figures of speech!!

Today we are writing down all the figures off speech that we can find in this picture.
If you find any write them in the comments!

1: Don't put all your eggs in one basket
2: Kicked the bucket
3: Cat got your tongue
4: Head full of nails

This is all I could find. See if you can find any and write it in the comments


  1. Good morning Grace. It was nice to see you this morning. This is quite tricky isn't it? A good way to get the brain thinking again in a fun way after the holidays. Interestingly, the four you got weren't my first four. Have you asked mum if she knows any? Hint...I am sure she may have seen this before.
    Mrs G

  2. Hi Mrs G, She said that she had seen this before but dosent know all of the answers. And that is all I came up with.


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