Thursday 10 June 2021

My leaf


Last week we had to create a leaf with our name and things we like. On my leaf, I put a Hockey stick, Basketball, Netball, Glasson, Bed, Donut McDonalds, and a pool. The hardest part about making the leaf was thinking of all the things I like and the thing I most enjoyed was drawing/tracing them because that was the easiest part!

I hope you like it!

Reading- Jackdaw


 Hey everyone the past 5-6 weeks we have been doing some reading, My group and I have been reading the book the boy in the striped pyjamas and along with it we had about 8 activities to complete. The book that we read got sadder and sadder towards the end (it's a good book though). The thing I most enjoyed about my reading was making the jackdaw at the end and colouring it in! And the thing I found the most challenging was reading the book for 1 hour then stopping and reading it the next day as it was sort of hard to remember the book the next day or maybe the next 2 days! If you don't know what a jackdaw is, it is a  poster explaining things like Characters, Setting, Plot, Moral and theme or whatever you want but we did ours based on our book!

I hope you like it.