Friday 24 April 2020

Daily quiz!!

Today's daily quiz is one where there are a few questions and you have to guess them!
I really enjoy these quizzes because if you don't know the answer you can get your family involved and it can be really fun.
1: Denmark
2: Donkey
3: Dentists
4: Dog
5: Drenched
6: Dragon
7: Deep
8: Desert
9: Dunedin
10: Dr. Doolittle


  1. Hi Grace, This is a very cool quiz! Did you make this yourself or did your teacher make it? I tried to answer all the question before I looked at the answers I had to get some help though!
    From Yazmin

  2. Hi Grace,
    I hadn't thought of drenched but you are so right. I was thinking damp. Did you have to research any?
    Mrs Gibson


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.