Thursday 18 October 2018

All about me

On my way to school

On My Way to School

I look up all i see is a teerafing ladder I take a step closer I can hear all the boys screaming like girls I take my first step onto the ladder. I can hear can hear people yelling because of how high it is i can see top i say i am almost there i can feel my tummy turning into butterflies. I can hear birds chirping and the wind whistling the trees sway side to side. I can hear people screaming and yelling. I can see the trees swaying side to side while the wobbly ladder shakes. I can feel splinters pushing into my hands. I can feel the woody crunchy ladder slipping through my hands. I wonder if i am going to fall off? I wonder if i will get a splinter in my hands? I wonder if the wind will come to hard and push me off the ladder?