Monday 31 May 2021

Dixon house writing

Last week We went to Dixon house to read books to the old people. Dixon House is an old people's home. Dixon house doesn't get much attention so the Mequa (polytech lady) Organised for us to go to read books. Hope you like it!

Dixon house

A few weeks earlier we got a notice saying that we will be going to Dixon house to read books to the old people! Leading up to this day I was nervous as I had not known anyone there. On Tuesday 25th of May we went, took our books and read. The polytech paid for us to get the bus there and back. We got our books out of the library on Tuesday and at 1.00 we got the bus to Dixon house!

We went inside and I definitely was not expecting what I saw. It had lots of different doorways into the main room where all the old people were sitting waiting for us. We got introduced to some staff and the majority of the residents. We walked around until we found a free person to read to, I read to at least 10 people. One of the hardest parts was going around and actually just starting a conversation with a random stranger that we had never met before.

Going and seeing these old people made me feel really sad and happy as some of them didn't have family or grandchildren so they said that they really appreciated us coming in and reading to them. Some of the old people were really disabled they couldn't see, talk, move or do much!

After we had read the polytech and Mequa had made some slices/baking for us to eat. So afterward we sat down with some of the old people and had something to eat. The thing I enjoyed the most was that it was really nice going and talking to some people who didn't have family or grandchildren. I learn't that it's always nice to give back to the community and nice to communicate with old people.

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