Tuesday 23 June 2020

Yellow crazies

Yellow Crazies
Today we read a book called: A invasion of yellow crazies. The yellow crazies are a type of ant that is a yellow type of ant that is not dangerous. This ant only sprays a type of acid and can make people's skin quite itchy. They can crawl into your house at night and can climb into anything such as food, beds, machines, clean washing ( be aware they can spray their acid all over it), and many other things. We created a title that could be used for the book, as you can tell we didn't do a very good job of making the ants. These ants are part of an ecosystem and are a living organism. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Grace
    I am Mason and I am a year 7 at Glenbrae school. I really like how you have shared this information about yellow ants. I didn't even know they existed until now and I want one to spray acid allover my clothes. Keep up the great work.


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