Wednesday 6 May 2020


Hi everyone today for our reading we got to create some stars. My mum and I had a crack at it and tried our best. They are way harder then they look. If you are making these I really recommend all the same size of flax so it looks neater. Also, try and get the soft bits of flax and not the hardcore of it. I liked following the video the most because you can pause it and it goes through step by step. My mum's id on the right and mine is on the left. We compared it to what the lady did and I think I won.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Grace,
    These look great! I think you and mum both did a fab job. I like how how you gave pointers to anyone trying it or if you gave it another go. Perhaps you could include the link to the video in your post?
    Mrs Gibson


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