Wednesday 15 May 2019

The most awesome day of my life Adrenalin forest!!!

 PS: My full stop is not working so there is going to be none
          Adrenalin forest
I look down and I a stunned by the view, Although there was no way down So I was stuck up there until I had finished the course I say to myself "I can do this" and I can So I trample over to the next obstacle I yell "This is scary" My friend behind me got stuck on the rope so back I go to help her then we go through the rest of the course together Finally we get to the bottom of the course we skip level 2 and go straight to level 3a which is a big step past level 2 As we walk up the ladder it starts shaking we make it to the top and start the next obstacle, they shake, I fall and I scream but I have a harness on so I am not going to die The BEST camp ever


  1. Wow Grace, you are so brave! I love the way you have described what you did, I would have been so scared if I was you. Maybe next time you could describe what you can see when you were on the top of your ropes.

  2. Hi grace
    It sounds like you had a hard time in the trees. I found it scary. What was the highest level you did? The highest I did was 3b.

  3. Hi Grace,
    I am Zara from Belfast School.
    I find your writing really descriptive, I was hooked straight away.
    It made me think of the time in Christchurch where I went to Adrenaline forest I found it super fun but scary too.
    Next time you could even make the photos bigger as I found them a little hard to see.
    I have one question...
    What camp did you go too?


Thank-you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.