This is our car I and Bella made this.
Thursday, 7 November 2019
Year 6 tech
A couple of my friends and I have been making cars. We have started making boats. We just tested our boats today to see if the would float. We could only use tinfoil to make the boats and we weren't allowed to use any other materials otherwise it wouldn't be an experiment. When we made the boats we only took about 20 mins as when we made the cars it took about 1 hour.
Friday, 27 September 2019
Term 3 reflection
Term three reflection
WALT: Reflect on our term
I enjoyed making this and having a think of what I did this term and the fun I had doing it.
I found it challenging to decide what was best and what was the most enjoyable.
To be BTB I could add more different types of text to explain what fun we did this term.
Thursday, 26 September 2019
Speech writing
Speech writing * Funny things my Mum and dad do*
Yea I know you thinking oh no Grace is here but really why would you think that. In these next few minutes or two, your going to listen to meeee yip who wants to listen to me. While I do so you're going to. Today I am going to be finding out if parents think they are funny while they do but do we. Most days I hear this, GRACEEEEEEEE COME HERE and I am like oh here we go again. Put your hand up if this happens to you yep just what I thought. Ok so my parents don't say the funniest things ever but I know some parents out there that do. So my parents think they are hilarious but I don't find half of the jokes they say funny. like every single night they are like GRACE TIDY YOUR ROOM RIGHT NOW and if I don't can anyone take a guess while it goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on saying if you don't tidy your room I am going to keep asking you and really I don't find that funny because I have to do all of the work. And eventually I do tidy my room but it takes me a while today I think we have found out that parents really aren't funny ( well to me they arent ) anyways in conclusion we have come to an end and i guess we will go back to our houses and get yelled at again for not feeding the dog or the chickens but nevermind we forget about those days and my parent are awesome but when I get told off I really do get told off ok that's the end of me blabbing my head off you can come to ask me any time to blab my head off cause I do it all the time. Thanks for listening Bye
Yea I know you thinking oh no Grace is here but really why would you think that. In these next few minutes or two, your going to listen to meeee yip who wants to listen to me. While I do so you're going to. Today I am going to be finding out if parents think they are funny while they do but do we. Most days I hear this, GRACEEEEEEEE COME HERE and I am like oh here we go again. Put your hand up if this happens to you yep just what I thought. Ok so my parents don't say the funniest things ever but I know some parents out there that do. So my parents think they are hilarious but I don't find half of the jokes they say funny. like every single night they are like GRACE TIDY YOUR ROOM RIGHT NOW and if I don't can anyone take a guess while it goes on and on and on and on and on and on and on saying if you don't tidy your room I am going to keep asking you and really I don't find that funny because I have to do all of the work. And eventually I do tidy my room but it takes me a while today I think we have found out that parents really aren't funny ( well to me they arent ) anyways in conclusion we have come to an end and i guess we will go back to our houses and get yelled at again for not feeding the dog or the chickens but nevermind we forget about those days and my parent are awesome but when I get told off I really do get told off ok that's the end of me blabbing my head off you can come to ask me any time to blab my head off cause I do it all the time. Thanks for listening Bye
Wednesday, 25 September 2019
How to compost
A while ago I and Bella made how composting works and what you need to have a good compost. Do you compost? Do you know anything about composting? When you compost it helps all of the food scraps instead of putting them in the rubbish bin that goes straight to the landfill. When you compost the foods that you put in disintegrate and then it turns in to the soil.
Monday, 16 September 2019
How many Blog posts I do a month/Year
How many blog post I do a month/year
This chart above explains how many blog posts I do a year/month. The yellow explains how many I did in 2017 the red explains how many I did in 2017 and the blue explains how many I have been doing this year ongoing. To change and make more blog posts I could schedule posts for 1 each day so I can post one every day.
Thursday, 12 September 2019
!!Building garden boxes!!
This is when we were building the garden boxes to go in the garden it took our group 2 days because the wood was really really hard and especially to hammer in the nails in was hard. lately we have been filling them in with soil and vegetables.
This is when it was a sunny day and it was tuakuna teina time so we got to do it with our buddies. As you can see this was the first day because we hadn't started anything really.
As you can see this is all the garden boxes finished because they are all in the garden. The day after this we were ready to plant because it rained that night so they were ready for the plants to get planted the next day.
Making ready salted chips.
Ps: We don't have any photos of the chips.
WALT: To determine what method makes the crispy and tastiest chips.
Last week we made some chips depending on if we wanted to cook them in the microwave or the oven we picked the microwave. The oven ones turned out better than our ones because they were much crisper they were quick and easy prosses because they only had three ingredients.
WALT: To determine what method makes the crispy and tastiest chips.
Last week we made some chips depending on if we wanted to cook them in the microwave or the oven we picked the microwave. The oven ones turned out better than our ones because they were much crisper they were quick and easy prosses because they only had three ingredients.
Thursday, 5 September 2019
Making hokey pokey!!!!
WALT: Explain the science behind making the hokey pokey
When we made this we had to use 3 ingredients which are Baking soda, Golden syrup, and sugar
When you add the baking soda you have to stir very very quickly otherwise the mixture will dry hard and stick to the side of the pot. The science behind making hockey pocky is that the sodium bicarbonate releases gas that makes the sugar mixture puff up which is why you need to have heat which causes it to fluff up.
I enjoyed eating it at the end about it was a little bit burnt because we kept it in the pot for a little bit to
Long. I found it challenging to try and not burn the mixture because if you do it doesn't taste as nice as it does when it is not burnt. To be BTB we could have used a fish slice to flip it off.
Thursday, 22 August 2019
Year 6 tech ( cookies )
WALT: Explain changes in the two batches of cookies.
Over the past two weeks, we have been doing food science such as making cookies.
I enjoyed eating the cookies at the end.
I found it challenging to work in a small space with so many people.
Over the past two weeks, we have been doing food science such as making cookies.
I enjoyed eating the cookies at the end.
I found it challenging to work in a small space with so many people.
Monday, 29 July 2019
Transformation using grids.
WALT: learn how to use grids to transform shapes into it.
We started off with a 5x5 square and drew our picture of the picture on the side.
We had a copy of what we were supposed to do so then we had a picture in our head of it.
I found it challenging to get the right shape of it.
I enjoyed getting the right colors.
We started off with a 5x5 square and drew our picture of the picture on the side.
We had a copy of what we were supposed to do so then we had a picture in our head of it.
I found it challenging to get the right shape of it.
I enjoyed getting the right colors.
Friday, 26 July 2019
Thursday, 20 June 2019
WALT: Stars of Matariki.
Matariki means the eyes of god
I enjoyed picking out the background and changing the colours rather than black.
I found it challenging to think about the words.
Matariki means the eyes of god
I enjoyed picking out the background and changing the colours rather than black.
I found it challenging to think about the words.
Friday, 14 June 2019
Tiny houses
This is mine and Ava's tiny house that we made it had to have everything that you have in a normal house but pretend there are walls. It was a grid that didn't have very many squares to work with. I enjoyed colouring.
Thursday, 13 June 2019
What can and can not go in the worm farm.
This is what we did on Thursday our whole class said what worm can eat worms can't eat any citrus food. Hope you enjoy (:
Wednesday, 12 June 2019
Worm farms
This is what worms can and can not eat. But most people think that you can put lots of different foods in the worm farm and say " they will eat it" but it can actually kill them or poison them.
Tuesday, 11 June 2019
Games colour twist
How to play Colour Twist
To get back to the class first with five different colour stones
Equipment: 4 different coloured stones.
The colours are White, Black, Blue and Yellow.
How to play: 2 people go and hide a bunch of different coloured stones around the school. Everyone else goes and hides while the 2 taggers go and count to 30 sec. Everyone tries to get 4 different colours of the stones and if you get found by the tagger then you have to go back to home base ( A.K.A ) the classroom and wait 30 sec and then you can go back out. If you get found you have to drop all of your stone and anyone can pick them up. You cant have 2 of the same colours and if you do you have to go back to home base for 30 sec. There is one multicoloured stone and if you find it then it is 3 colours in one. Do not throw the rocks on the ground
This is how to play mine Mayas and Bellas game that we made first time playing it it is confusing but you get the hang of it pretty quickly.
Equipment: 4 different coloured stones.
The colours are White, Black, Blue and Yellow.
How to play: 2 people go and hide a bunch of different coloured stones around the school. Everyone else goes and hides while the 2 taggers go and count to 30 sec. Everyone tries to get 4 different colours of the stones and if you get found by the tagger then you have to go back to home base ( A.K.A ) the classroom and wait 30 sec and then you can go back out. If you get found you have to drop all of your stone and anyone can pick them up. You cant have 2 of the same colours and if you do you have to go back to home base for 30 sec. There is one multicoloured stone and if you find it then it is 3 colours in one. Do not throw the rocks on the ground
This is how to play mine Mayas and Bellas game that we made first time playing it it is confusing but you get the hang of it pretty quickly.
Monday, 10 June 2019
My maps
We learned how to use Google MyMaps and then we got to look closely at our own environment and locate landmarks. For each landmark we found we had to name it, write something about it and find an image of it so that the pin on our map had information on it. This is my finished map of Wellington. Have you ever used MyMaps to locate places in your community?
Tuesday, 28 May 2019
Awesome week of camp- music edition
WALT: Make our expressions about camp. This is my music from my AWESOME week of camp!!!!!!! At the start it starts out dramatic because we are all over exited about our week and at the end it is calm because we are all tired.Music
What do we want our compost to look like!!!!!
This is what we want our compost to look like because at the moment we have got tinfoil and plastic in our compost so we want to change it.
Hints and tips for a litter less lunchbox
At Paroa school people have rubbish in there lunch's and we are trying to reduce the rubbish that there is. The reason why we did this is because rubbish is taking over and it has been floating around our school and we live right by the beach so the rubbish just floats into the sea.
Monday, 27 May 2019
Creating awesome music at Capital E !!!
my music
When we were at wellington we went to capital E and we made some awesome music on computers.The thing I enjoyed the most was that we could listen to our own music and make everyone laugh at the funny part of the music. I found it challenging to match all the music together so that it sounds good. To be BTB I could make it longer.
When we were at wellington we went to capital E and we made some awesome music on computers.The thing I enjoyed the most was that we could listen to our own music and make everyone laugh at the funny part of the music. I found it challenging to match all the music together so that it sounds good. To be BTB I could make it longer.
We made theses videos to show that our compost isn't what we want it to be so we are trying to get more and more people to compost to make it a real compost.
I enjoyed having fun and dressing up.
To be BTB we could make it not so blurry.
Wednesday, 15 May 2019
The most awesome day of my life Adrenalin forest!!!
PS: My full stop is not working so there is going to be none
Adrenalin forest
I look down and I a stunned by the view, Although there was no way down So I was stuck up there until I had finished the course I say to myself "I can do this" and I can So I trample over to the next obstacle I yell "This is scary" My friend behind me got stuck on the rope so back I go to help her then we go through the rest of the course together Finally we get to the bottom of the course we skip level 2 and go straight to level 3a which is a big step past level 2 As we walk up the ladder it starts shaking we make it to the top and start the next obstacle, they shake, I fall and I scream but I have a harness on so I am not going to die The BEST camp ever
Adrenalin forest
I look down and I a stunned by the view, Although there was no way down So I was stuck up there until I had finished the course I say to myself "I can do this" and I can So I trample over to the next obstacle I yell "This is scary" My friend behind me got stuck on the rope so back I go to help her then we go through the rest of the course together Finally we get to the bottom of the course we skip level 2 and go straight to level 3a which is a big step past level 2 As we walk up the ladder it starts shaking we make it to the top and start the next obstacle, they shake, I fall and I scream but I have a harness on so I am not going to die The BEST camp ever
Friday, 12 April 2019
Egg puns and jokes
WALT: Write down in a google drawing what are some funny egg words.
I Enjoyed adding color and writing funny words that actually make sense.
I found it challenging to think of lots and lots of words that make sense.
To be BTB we could make the words bigger and clearer so they are easy to read.
Thursday, 11 April 2019
Reading activites
WALT: Create reading activities online.
This is a reading activity that I made we do reading activities every week.
I enjoyed writing all of my words and adding colour.
I found it challenging to get the right photos to show what I am explaining. I am trying to explain that you should keep your dog on a leash all the time because you could lose your dog.
To be BTB ( better than before ) I could and more colour that makes the Drawing stand out more.
Friday, 22 March 2019
Hoes- Waka
WALT: Find symbols that represent our family.
We chose these symbols because the things that are on them are special to us. The flag represents Scotland which is one of my country's.
We found out all these things off our grandparents and family.
I enjoyed drawing the pictures and coloring them in.
I found it challenging to draw the black line around the pictures.
We chose these symbols because the things that are on them are special to us. The flag represents Scotland which is one of my country's.
We found out all these things off our grandparents and family.
I enjoyed drawing the pictures and coloring them in.
I found it challenging to draw the black line around the pictures.
Friday, 15 March 2019
Word of the week!
WALT: Start doing word of the week so every week we learn a new word.
I enjoyed making the picture that explains what the word assertive means.
I found it challenging to think about the sentence I had to write.
To make my work BTB I could add more color.
Friday, 22 February 2019
Where am I?
WALT: Describe a special place.
We have been thinking about what we did in the holidays and what was fun.
We have learned it to tell the class a story and they have to answer us with what place they think we are at.
I enjoyed drawing the picture.
I found it challenging to not giveaway where I am.
To make my work BTB I think I need to draw a better picture.
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