Wednesday 21 November 2018

How to make a maths quiz

How to make a maths quiz

Step 1: Open your Chromebook and sign in.

Step 2: Go to google slide and create a slide then name it.

Step 3: Make a title page then introduce your quiz.

Step 4: Find a character that you want to be in your quiz.

Step 5: Put your character on the first page of your quiz and say what you are going to do.

Step 6: Then write your first question like 1+1 then link (Ctrl K) the answers to the good or bad slide.

Step 7: Then just keep doing that until you have about four questions.


  1. Great work Grace. I love how you have included characters to make your quiz more interesting. Maybe next time you could add pictures to show people where things are on google slides?

  2. Thank you for the comment Miss Farr I will try and do that next time


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